Vulnerable Person Wristbands
We have ordered a stock of predominantly white Tyvek wristbands on which event attendees can write their name and phone number before placing the wristband on their child. This allows event staff to more easily reunite lost children with their parents at events. We see the benefit of these wristbands first hand on all of our family-fun events.

We are making them available FOR FREE to community event organisers, charity event organisers, not-for-profits running events and similar. The idea is to help make events safer for those attending and to shorten that horrible time when parents are frantically searching for their lost children.

Please don't ask for these if you're a proper promoter or are running events for profit. We're trying to help events and event organisers that may not (a) have thought of these or (b) have budget to allocate to something like this.

Complete the form below and we'll be in touch.

We may not be able to give you ALL the wristbands you request, as we want as many events as possible to benefit, but we'll do our best for you.
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Here's what the current wristbands look like
Your name *
Your email *
Your phone number *
Event name *
Your role for the event *
Date(s) of event *
Event website *
Pop in n/a if you don't have a website for the event
Expected attendance *
Number of bands you would like *
Postal address *
How did you hear about these wristbands? *
Anything else?
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