An International Webinar on New Vistas: Exploring Uncharted Terrains in Literary Studies (Lecture Series)
Arulvakku Trust Reg No. 146/12 Maharajanagar, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu in association with Skill It Academy has proposed to conduct an International Webinar - Lecture series II for students, academicians, researchers which is interdisciplinary in nature. You are cordially invited to attend the same.
The Lecture series has been planned for four days ( JUNE 25 - JUNE 28)

JUNE 25 - Caste and Mental Health - Ms. Vijeta Kumar, Assistant Professor of English, St.Josephs College, Bengaluru.

JUNE 26 - Edible Memories: Food and Diasporic Identity - Dr. Soumi Sinha Ray Basu, Assistant Professor of English, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai.

JUNE 27 - Delineation of (Dis)ability and Gender in Literature -
Ms. Shampa Sengupta,
Gender and Disability Rights Activist,
Founder/Director of Shruti Disability RIghts Center.

JUNE 28 - A Confluence: An Introduction to Understanding Onscreen Adaptations of Literary texts.
Rashmi Mehta,
Teaching Assistant based in Singapore.

Interested participants can register through the following link

The link to the respective sessions will be provided 2 hours prior to the commencement of each session through the registered mail ID provided by the participants and through the Whatsapp group.
No Registration Fee will be collected from the participants.
E-certificates will be issued to all the attendees provided that they attend all four sessions.

With Regards,
Arulvakku Trust.

For more Information, Contact us at 8248191175 or (or) 
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