The Last Wolf (Domain 1E) Mini Grey
The following questions are designed to allow KS1 pupils to practise and apply their skills of Content Domain 1E and to give justifications for their views. Depending on the reading age of pupils, the text can be read by an adult or read independently by a pupil,  with questions being answered independently or in discussion with the teacher. Please see further resources for Content Domain 1B, 1C & 1D using this text.

1E: Predict what might happen on the basis of what has been read so far.
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‘One day Little Red put on her hunting hat and boots, flung her popgun on her back, packed up her lunch box with some supplies, and said to her mum: I’m off to catch a wolf.’ What ‘supplies’ do you think Little Red had packed? What gave you this idea? *
1 point
Why do you think Little Red wanted to catch a wolf? *
2 points
Do you think Little Red will be able to find a wolf? Explain why you think this. *
1 point
Read up to page 11. ‘But what was this?’Who do you think lived behind this door? What makes you think this? *
2 points
Read to the end of the extract... ‘and the door was opened by the last wolf in the land…’ What do you think had happened to all of the other wolves in the land? Are there any clues in the text? *
2 points
What do you think will happen next? Explain your answer. *
1 point
Can you name a story you know which is similar to this? Explain what is similar between the 2 stories. *
1 point
Write an ending for the story based on what you think will happen. *
1 point
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