Membership Application Form
We appreciate your interest in becoming a member of HFG-SG. The membership form below includes questions designed to help us understand you better so we can support you on your fostering journey. This form is intended for existing and potential foster parents, befrienders, respite carers, and volunteers.

HFG-SG is committed to supporting foster parents, foster child/youth and families through a variety of ways:

1. Experienced foster parents to buddy or mentor new foster parents for guidance and encouragement.
2. Connecting new foster parents with experienced foster parents who can share insights and support.
3. Providing befrienders for foster children and youth and foster families (pending MSF approval).
4. Offering respite carer(s) for foster families to ensure they receive necessary breaks (subject to MSF approval).
5. Organise training, workshops, resources and events designed to enhance the fostering family experiences.
6. Engaging volunteers to strengthen and uplift the foster care community.

This form will guide you through the membership registration process. Based on your responses, you will be directed only to the sections relevant to you—most people will not have to complete all 12 sections, and your progress will adjust accordingly. 

Once you have completed the form, please click the "Submit" button. After receiving your application, we will contact you to discuss programmes, groups, opportunities, and events that may interest you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at 
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Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA)
In line with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and by submitting this form, you consent to HFG-SG collecting, using, and disclosing your personal data for the administration and processing of your registration for the event, as well as for receiving further information from HFG and for communication regarding future events. The data collected will be used for purposes including, but not limited to:

- Address / Postal Code (for the organisation of Groups)
- Contact Information (for communication regarding events, updates, and membership management)
- Fostering Information (to effectively support you in your fostering journey)
- Preferences and Information on Foster Children (to assist in grouping and support allocation)

By continuing with this form, you acknowledge that events may be recorded and photographed, and your presence at organised events indicates your consent to being filmed or photographed. 

You can update your personal data and/or withdraw your consent by contacting
1.1 By submitting the membership form, I declare that the information provided by me is accurate. I also agree that HFG-SG may collect, use and disclose my personal data in this form for the following purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012:

(i) The processing of membership application; and
(ii) The administration of the membership with HFG-SG and partners
1.2 I agree not to forward or share messages that would lead to identification of the foster child or share messages about fostering or respite needs with others external of the HFG-SG support group. *

1.3 I accept that the approval of the membership application is solely within the purview and discretion of HFG-SG’s management. Membership is a privilege which may be accorded or withheld. All decisions made by HFG-SG are final.

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