2024-25 Children Challenging Industry (CCI) Booking Request Form: Humber region
Please ensure that you have read the 'Want To Know More about CCI' information by clicking the link and sharing this with the participating class teachers

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Your Name (person completing the form) *
Your Position in School (person completing the form) *
Name of School *
Number of participating classes (UKS2 only) maximum class size is 36 children *
Number of children in participating class(es) e.g. for two classes 30+30 *
Number of teaching staff at your school *
Year group(s) participating (UKS2 only) *
Number of children on school roll *
School Address *
Postcode *
Telephone Number *
School Twitter Handle *

Name(s) of Participating Class Teacher(s) if known

If your school has previously participated in the CCI programme, please consider a different class teacher to ensure the benefits of the classroom CPD

Email Address(es) of Participating Class Teacher(s)

Name of Science Leader *
Science Leader's Email Address *
Name of Headteacher *
Headteacher's Email Address *
Day of weekly staff meeting *
Please indicate your FIRST preference for when you would like the sessions to take place (places are allocated subject to availability)
Preferred days (please tick all that apply) subject to availability *
Please indicate your SECOND preference for when you would like the sessions to take place  (places are allocated subject to availability)                *
Preferred days (please tick all that apply) subject to availability *
Please indicate your THIRD preference for when you would like the sessions to take place  (places are allocated subject to availability)                *
Preferred days (please tick all that apply) subject to availability *
I can confirm that the Headteacher consents to the school paying £300 (per class) towards the cost of this programme *
Name of person AND their email address to send invoices to after completion of the CCI programme *

I understand that if onsite visits are taking place, schools need to arrange and pay for their own transport.


I confirm that I have downloaded and read the 'Want To Know More about CCI' information and agree to share this with the participating class teachers

Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
Effacer le formulaire
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