French 8 Term 3 (end of year) reflection
This is due at 3:05 pm on Tuesday June 13th!!
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Which Period are you in? *
What are the first two letters of your LAST NAME? ( ex: Ms Romain would be 'Ro') *
What is your FIRST NAME? *
Which pronouns would you like me to use on your report card?
Did you complete all assigned work (on time) this term? If no, please elaborate/explain. *
Which work habit mark do you feel you have earned? (Take into consideration your ClassDojo score, attendance, participation, if you bring all required materials, how often are you disruptive, how often are you on your phone inappropriately etc...) *
You get to write your own comments for your report card! Your answers to the next three questions will be used on your report card. Question #1: Tell me what you're good at in terms of your French skills. What have you learned to do this first half of the semester that you do well? Include comments in all areas (listening, speaking, reading & writing) Please start the answer with: I can... *
Question #2: Tell me what French skill(s) you may be struggling with and would like to work on. Consider all areas (listening, speaking, reading & writing) Please start the answer with: I would like to work on ... *
Question #3: Tell me about your work habits (how well you work in class, completing homework, studying, participating etc..). You should consider your ClassDojo. Please start the answer with: I feel that I earned a (G/S/N) because... *
Is there anything else you would like me (Mme Romain) to know? This will NOT appear on your report card :)
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