TFIU New Member Form
The Future is US Youth & Parent Advisory Council would for you to join our initiative to help make overall change on Galveston Island.  

TFIU is an initiative tasked with dismantling Galveston's School-to-Prison Pipeline by confronting GISD's disproportionate classroom removals of Black students compared to their White peers.

According to the data, Black students in GISD are punished disproportionately, compared to their non-black peers. These practices force Black students into the criminal justice system, thereby derailing their educational journey and promoting carceral outcomes.

TFIU, together with the community, will continue to confront the policies and procedures that remove Black students from the classroom, ensuring that ALL students receive a quality education.

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Are you  parent of a GISD student?
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Are you a GISD student?
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Are you a Galveston resident?
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If you're not a Galveston resident, how are you connected to Galveston?
Interests and/or skills you think will benefit TFIU
Which branch of TFIU would you be interested in learning more about, and possibly joining?
What opportunities are you looking for as a member of TFIU?
T-shirt size
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Any other questions, comments, or concerns?
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