Adaptive Dance @ L.A.D.A. Evaluation Form
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Site: L.A.D.A.
Date *
Number of Students - Group 1 *
Number of Students - Group 2 *
Student Outcomes
Please rate the following by indicating the majority of student participation with the following scale:
5 = all the students
4 = most of the students
3 = half the students
2 = less than half the students
1 = a few students
0 = no students
As able, students participated in small and large motor skills. *
As able, students participated in the physical activity of dance and movement. *
As able, students developed ensemble skills to execute simple floor sequences with others. *
As able, students used cognitive skills. *
As able, students perfected focus on the teaching artist. *
Outcomes for Sock Hop Choreography Sessions
For the first four sessions, the next two questions are not required and should be left blank.
In preparation for the choreographed performance, students executed simple floor sequences.
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In preparation for the choreographed performance, students developed basic ensemble skills.
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Please notate any comments or special stories. Also, please notate special program elements that were included (scarves, props, drums, etc.). *
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