Disagreement Resolution Form
This process is reserved for those who have completed an incident investigation with their school and feel that additional district intervention is needed. If an investigation outcome has not been decided but you feel you need additional support with an incident please request an appointment with a District Advocate.

Please Note: This report must be submitted to the Office of Equity & Advocacy within 15 school days of the given resolution. This is a local review process and is best done immediately following the investigation for which you are in disagreement. A representative from the Office of Equity & Advocacy will contact you within two school days after receiving this report.
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Email *
Phone Number *
Name of Individual Completing this Form *
Student's Name *
Relationship to Student *
School *
I have contacted my school principal and the following have been completed: *
Check all that apply
Reason for the Disagreement *
Desired Resolution *
A district representative will follow-up with you as soon as possible. Please indicate times when you are most available.
Morning (7-10am)
Midday (10am-1pm)
Afternoon (1-4:30pm)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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