Scribente Maternum "You-Deserve-to-Be-Here" Funding
You deserve to be here.

We don't want cost to be a barrier.

Scribente Maternum offers *You-Deserve-to-Be-Here* partial or full funding to as many writers as possible. Funding is available to those from the global majority, people with disabilities, and anyone experiencing financial hardship.

Note that our 2024 in-person retreat has sold out. Please fill out the form below to receive more information about attending our virtual retreat for free.

Please reach out to with any questions.
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Email *
First and Last Name *
In what city do you currently live? (Optional, but may determine other sources of funding)
With which population group(s) do you most closely identify? (Optional, but may determine other sources of funding)
Are you interested in a full or partial funding? *
Describe what this funding assistance and this community would mean for you. *
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