Sign the Graduate Student Bill of Rights!
Please complete this form to indicate support for the following bill of rights.


Graduate students function within the university as both students and workers and deserve support and protections that speak to all aspects of graduate life. We claim these rights as foundational elements of a successful, supportive, and safe institution for graduate student workers: protected rights to which all workers should have access; the right to prioritize and protect personal health; the right to a work / life balance; the right to a professional environment that protects and fosters well-being and safety. All of the rights described below contribute to graduate students’ right to thrive - to move beyond survival throughout their programs and prioritize their health and development.

Worker Protections

  1. Right to unionize

  2. Right to shared governance

  3. Right to engage in advocacy, lobbying, and debate without fear of reprisal

  4. Right to privacy

  5. Right to freedom from discrimination, bullying, harassment, exploitation, violence, and sexual misconduct

  6. Right to third-party mediation and arbitration of grievances 

Equitable Access

  1. Right of equitable access to employment and education for all marginalized groups

  2. Right to appropriate accommodations, protections, and dedicated support services for marginalized groups

  3. Right to compensation for additional labor done by students from marginalized groups

Priority and Protection of Personal Health

  1. Right to affordable, stable, and comprehensive healthcare

  2. Right to affordable, quality housing in the vicinity of their institution

  3. Right to family and personal  leave and affordable childcare

  4. Right to a safe and healthy environment

Work / Life Balance

  1. Right to fair hours

  2. Right to a living wage

  3. Right to job security and stability

  4. Right to retirement access

Professional Environment of Well-Being and Safety

  1. Right to consistent and transparent academic and professional expectations

  2. Right to respect and recognition as productive scholars and employees

  3. Right to leave or transfer without professional blacklisting 

  4. Right to professional autonomy, self-determination, and academic freedom

  5. Right to institutional transparency 

  6. Right to a high-quality education and professional mentorship

  7. Right to thrive

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