Partner application form
**Thank you for your interest. We have closed our applications into the cohort at this time. Please email if you would like to be added to our mailing list and be notified when we open applications for our next cohort.**

Is your newsroom committed to optimizing high quality reader engagement, interested in experimentation, and willing to securely share data with the lab?  Then the Local News Lab, a team of engineers, designers, and data scientists working to build open-source data products to help support local and community newsrooms, is looking for you!

We are hoping to partner with three publications on an 8-month project starting in June. We’ll lead interactive workshops and work collaboratively on a product with the goal of helping you meet your organization’s business needs. The product will build upon our past work on recommendations and you will help shape the direction we take the project next.

If selected into this program, the Local News Lab team will work with you and your cohort peers to prototype a product we collectively conceive, and share data science and analytics best practices that can help inform your strategy (if time allows we may be able to deploy a production-ready product). Your commitment to two, 30 minute meetings per month, in addition to some one-off workshops, allows us to collaborate closely to align our work with your needs, update you on our progress, and proactively seek your input. We look forward to hearing from you!

You can read more about the Local News Lab here:


Note: At this time the project is limited to US-based news organizations
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Applicant information
Your Name *
First and last name
Your Email Address *
Are you in a leadership role at your organization, or do you have buy-in from leadership to participate in this project? *
Publication information
Name of your publication *
URL/s for your publication *
Location of your publication *
How many people work in your organization? *
Does your publication’s leadership team include people from any of the communities below? *
Revenue and technology information
Our work together may require collaborating with people who have different types of expertise. Do these descriptions match you or any of your colleagues’ roles within your organization? *
Are you open to technical integration with our products and/or platforms? *
What revenue streams contribute to the sustainability of your publication? *
What CMS/s do you use to publish your work? *
What analytics and/or A/B testing platform(s) do you use? *
Audience information
Does your publication have a stated mission to serve any of the communities below? *
What would be most helpful for your organization to learn about your audience this year?
Is there a feature or service you would like to offer your audience this year that would support your business, but you lack the technical capability to build on your own?
We want to know if the data products we built with our first group of partners would be useful to build on or expand for your publication. Would tech or insights in any of these areas be useful to your organization? *
Availability information
Are you able to commit to meeting with the lab for a handful of workshops along with 30 minute bi-weekly meetings to discuss updates on our work and participate in planning our next steps? *
We find our projects have more impact if there is buy-in and input from representatives across product, editorial and business departments. Are there others across your organization who would be available for occasional workshops and meetings? *
How did you hear about this project?
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