Bnei Akiva Machane Meshuga Subsidy Form
Please fill out the following form to apply for a Subsidy/Payment plan.

It is a policy of Bnei Akiva to do all in our power to try and help every kid who want to come on camp, with the support of The JCA Millie Phillips Jewish Education Fund.

If you have any questions please contact our Shlicha Mor Lacob via email at

All subsidies and information here will remain confidential.

All subsidies will be confidentially assessed, and Mor will contact you to discuss the next steps within two weeks. All requests will be responded to.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form, we are so looking forward to seeing your child/ren on camp!
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Name of Parent/Guardian Applying: *
Relationship to Child: *
Email Address *
Mobile Phone *
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