3 on 3 Freestyle Session Hong Kong Qualifier
Red Hot The Prince 2019 X Freestyle Session Hong Kong
Red Hot The Prince 2019又到啦!今年又有好消息,再次可以同Freestyle Session合作,係香港舉行分區賽,勝出者將代表香港衝出亞洲,去到美國參加總決賽。各位Bboy同Bgirl你地準備好未? 今年我地除左會有Freestyle Session 3 on 3嘅Breaking 項目外,仲有原有項目U18 breaking battle以及新增項目Open Styles Battle 2 on 2,其他詳情我地會陸續公佈,約定你8月24日各位Bboys、Bgirls及Dancers一齊黎Have fun啦!!

Red Hot the Prince 2019 is here! This year, we are happy to again collaborate with Freestyle Session for the Freestyle Session Hong Kong Qualifiers! The winners will represent Hong Kong at the Freestyle Session World Finals in San Diego, California.

As well as the Freestyle Session 3 on 3 battle, we will also hold an 18 and under breaking battle and 2 on 2 Open Styles battle.

Lock in 24 August for this event and stay tuned for more news! Looking forward to join in the fun with y’all!

╔ 合辦/Co-Organized By:協青社嘻哈學校/School of Hip Hop - Youth Outreach
       建灝慈善基金/K & K Charity
╚ 全力支持/Supported By:美國駐港澳總領事館/U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau)

╔ 日期/Date︰2019年8月24日(星期六) /24 August 2018 (Saturday)
╠ 時間/Time︰2pm – 10pm
╚ 地點/Venue︰協青社籃球場/Youth Outreach (Sai Wan Ho)

★截止報名時間/Registration Deadline★
2019年8月19日(星期一) / 19 August 2019 (Monday)

★評判/ Judges Line Up★
★ 3 on 3 Freestyle Session Hong Kong Qualifier★
╔ Cros One (Freestyle Session President / USA)
╠ Kid David (Skill Brat Renegades / Renegade Rockerz / Squadron / USA)
╚ Kazuki Roc (Body Carnival / Japan)

★U18 1 on 1 Breaking Battle★
╔ Cros One (Freestyle Session President / USA)
╠  Kid David (Skill Brat Renegades / Renegade Rockerz / Squadron / USA)
╚ Kazuki Roc (Body Carnival / Japan)

★2on2 Open Styles Battle★
╔ Kazuki Roc (Body Carnival / Japan)
╚ LIL 3 (Hong Kong)

▲2 on 2 Open Styles Battle ▲
╠ DJ Seb One (Australia)

▲Breaking Battle ▲
╠ DoubleJ (China)

★比賽項目/Categories (不設Walk in)★
▲U18 1 on 1 Breaking Battle▲
18歲或以下,不限地區、不限男女/Open to public 18 years & under

▲3on3 Freestyle Session Hong Kong Qualifier▲
不限男女、不限年齡/ Any Gender & Age
只限居住滿7年,並持有香港永久性居民身份證的/For Holders of Permanent Hong Kong Identity  (***) & Permanent Residents

▲2 on 2 Open Styles Battle ▲
不限地區、不限男女/ Open to public
Note: 1 member of each team must be 18 years or under.

★Registration Fees (比賽當天收取/Pay at arrival)★
╔ U18 1 on 1 Breaking Battle︰HK$50/人/Person
╠ 3 on 3 Freestyle Session Hong Kong Qualifier︰HK$300/隊/Team
╚ 2 on 2 Open Styles Battle︰HK$100/隊/Team

▲U18 1 on 1 Breaking Battle▲
╔ 冠軍/Champion︰HK$1,000 獎學金/Prize
╠ 亞軍/2nd Place︰HK$500 獎學金/Prize
╚ 第3、4名/3rd & 4th Place︰HK$300 獎學金/Prize
▲3 on 3 Freestyle Session Hong Kong Qualifier▲
╔冠軍/Champion︰3張來回美國LA比賽機票參與Freestyle Sessions World Final資格 + 5日4夜住宿津貼
╠ 亞軍/2nd Place︰HK$3,000 獎學金/Prize
╚ 第3、4名/3rd & 4th Place︰HK$600 獎學金/Prize

▲2on2 Open Styles Battle▲
╔ 冠軍/Champion︰HK$3,000 獎學金/Prize
╠ 亞軍/2nd Place︰HK$1,000 獎學金/Prize
╚ 第3、4名/3rd & 4th Place︰HK$500 獎學金/Prize

★報名表格/ For Registration★
▲U18 1 on 1 Breaking Battle▲

▲3 on 3 Freestyle Session Hong Kong Qualifier▲

▲2on2 Open Styles Battle▲

★風險承擔書/ Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement★
請下載風險承擔書必須親筆簽名,然後拍下照片,再EMAIL返比我地,或你地填妥活動風險承擔書後,親身交回本中心。風險承擔書下載網址︰ https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1g20E8klUOFS0NBQy1YcUF5MTA/view?usp=sharing

Please Download and Signed the Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement and send back to us by fax/email/in person.
Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement Download︰https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YYwM1lzNvsi4ICY3_2lhUfQQc2YhuXRq/view?usp=sharing

★本會資料/ Contact Information★
╔ 電郵地址︰schoolofhiphophk@gmail.com
╠ 中心地址:西灣河聖十字徑2號12樓
╚ 開放時間:星期一至六,下午2時至晚上10時,星期日及公眾假日除外

╔ Email︰schoolofhiphophk@gmail.com
╠ Address:Flat A, 12/F, Youth Outreach, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
╚ Opening Hour:Monday to Saturday (2pm-10pm)

★查詢方法/ Enquiry★
如有任何問題,可致電2567 - 9028予 阿熙 查詢。
For Enquiry, Please Feel Free to call Ar Hei at 2567-9028.
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