Geotechnical Engineering 1
Topics :-
> Soil Formation
> Properties of soils
> Identification and classification of Soil
> Soil Structure and clay Minerals
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Which one of the following apparatus is used for the determination of grain size distribution of fine grained soil? [PWD:JE: 2018]
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Lacustrine soils are transported & deposited by which one of the following agent ? [PWD:JE: 2018]
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The simplest and most accurate method for the determination of water content of a soil sample in the laboratory is [PWD:JE: 2018, WRD: 2016]
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Due to presence of which one of the following minerals, black cotton soil exhibits swelling nature ? [PWD:JE: 2018,WCD:2018]
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Which one of the following statement is correct? [PWD:JE: 2018]
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Through which one of the following property , regain of strength with time is possible in soil mass ? [PWD:JE: 2018]
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Marine soils are transported & deposited by which one of the following agent? [PWD:JE: 2018]
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The minimum possible value of group index for a soil is [PWD:JE: 2018]
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The maximum possible value of group index of soil is [PWD:JE: 2018]
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Constant head permeability test is conducted for [PWD:JE: 2018]
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