U of T Press Bargaining Survey

Hello Part-time Bookstore Workers!

As a part-time worker at the retail locations of the University of Toronto Press (UTP), you are a member of CUPE 3261. This means you have certain workplace rights that are covered by a Collective Agreement negotiated by the employer (UTP), and the workers (CUPE 3261).

The Collective Agreement expired on October 31, 2022 but its terms are still in effect until we reach a new agreement with the university.

Your Union Negotiating Committee is preparing to negotiate improvements to the next Collective Agreement. To better reflect the priorities of you and your coworkers, your Negotiating Committee is asking for your input.

If you have any questions, please contact your unit representative, Chris Stanford, at press@cupe3261.ca

Please provide your personal email below

登录 Google 即可保存进度。了解详情
电子邮件地址 *
Full Name *
Are you a student at U of T?  *
How many hours do you typically work at the bookstore?  *
At which Bookstore location do you work?
If you could set the rules, what are the top three improvements you would make to your job?
Are you available to participate in your Negotiating Committee? You will get support, training, and be compensated for any lost shifts. Many people find it a good learning experience and gain transferable skills.
When is the best time to reach you for a 15 minute conversation about improvements to your job?
切勿通过 Google 表单提交密码。
此表单是在 CUPE Local 3261 内部创建的。