2024 Award Nomination Form
For more information and award categories/descriptions, please visit this link: https://angeles.sierraclub.org/about/chapter_awards/call_nominations

This form will only allow you to submit 1 award at a time per person. You are welcome to nominate a person for more than 1 award, but please use the form again for the subsequent categories.

For any questions, please direct them to Jessica Chow (chowjjs@gmail.com)
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Award *
Nominee Name *
Nominee Phone Number *
Nominee Email *
Nominee Group *
What accomplishments qualify the nominee for this award?  *
Please use complete paragraphs, no bullets. No more than 400 words
Your Full Name *
Submitter's Entity (Group/Section/Committee/Task Force)
Any Sierra Club member, Chapter Group/Section/Committee/Task Force Entity may make a nomination. Select only if applicable
Your Phone Number *
Your Email *
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