Breath workshop: A Natural Edge
This workshop will explore the breath for FUNCTION, for PERFORMANCE and for REST. Over the course of the workshop we will go through a mix of practical exercises supported by theory that will allow for you to understand, feel and experience the power of the breath.

Breath work benefits range from managing stress and anxiety to assisting in regulation of bodily functions and sleeping issues, it also has the potential to take your  athletic performance to the next level.

WHO? Anyone interested in breath work. No prior experience is required, just an open mind and a willingness to learn.

WHEN? May 7th 8-11 AM
WHERE: Plus Space, Coolangatta

Cost: $120 for the workshop plus a 28 day breathing self guidance program

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What kind of breath work interests you the most? *
Have you ever practiced breath work before? if so, can you please share more details on what kind? *
I understand that I will have to complete the intake form and pay in total before my place is confirmed (all will be sent via email) *
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