REF 2024-25 Mini Grant Application
Thank you for your interest in applying for a Reynoldsburg Education Foundation Mini-Grant!

IMPORTANT: Before completing this application, refer to the Reynoldsburg Education Foundation (REF) Staff Grant Guidelines, Procedures for Grant Selection, and Procedures for Grant Administration and Awarding of Funds. These documents were attached to the district email you received with the link to this application form and provided here as well.

To be considered for this round of mini-grants, applications are due by November 8, 2024. Applications will be blind-reviewed by the Grants Selection Team, so please do not mention your school name in typed detailed responses.

NOTE: Grants awarded in this round will have funds released by mid-January, 2025. All monies must be spent by the end of the 2024-25 school year. Please plan your timeline accordingly.

If you have any questions about the application process, please email Debbie Dunlap at or Isabel Bozada-Jones at

Each grant awarded will be limited to $350.

Reference Documents:
(1) District Strategic Plan
(2) Portrait of a Graduate
*Note: You will need to use your district login credentials to view the Portrait of a Graduate documents in the RCS Toolkit.*
Email *
Applicant Name
Applicant School email
Applicant Mobile number (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Do you work at more than 1 school? If so, choose the school that will most benefit from the grant in the next question.
Applicant School
Grant Project Title
Describe the grant project (300 words or less, include goals consistent with the REF Grant Guidelines).
How does the project contribute to student learning?
Provide a timeline of your project (use dates/months when possible with completion by May 2024)
Provide a detailed budget description that includes actual anticipated costs (not an overall estimate). If your project budget exceeds $350, explain what you would purchase with the grant funds and how you will fund the remaining costs of the project.
Refer to the links above to review the District Five-Year Strategic Plan and the Portrait of a Graduate document, then explain how your project aligns with these documents. Include 1 to 3 goals or initiatives and reference the document in your response.
I acknowledge that my grant application does not:
* benefit only one student
* benefit a staff member instead of students
* provide ongoing support for projects originally funded by a REF grant (all grant monies
must be spent within one year of approval)
* provide salaries or stipends for staff members (however, grant monies can be used to
purchase services from outside consultants/professionals)
* contradict the mission of the district
* create or sustain inequities between students, staff members, classrooms, or schools 
Clear selection
I have shared my grant idea with my school administrator.
Clear selection
Preference is given to grants that include the following characteristics. Review your grant proposal and check all that applies.
Final Report/Evaluation of Project
Upon completion of the project, recipients will submit a concise final report by May 31, 2024. Information from final reports may be used by the REF to promote the REF and the district.

Describe how you will evaluate the goal(s) of the grant and what evaluation tool(s) will be used.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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