SNVC Compliments, Complaints and Feedback
This form is intended for any SNVC member to provide compliments, complaints and feedback. It is an anonymous form, however, should you wish to include your contact information, there is a option to do that at the end of this form. We appreciate all compliments, complaints and feedback as it helps us continue to improve and grow the SNVC processes and programs. We ask that if there is an issue you would like to submit that you have first exercised the 24 hour rule (see parent handbook for details on the 24 hour rule). If the matter requires immediate attention i.e. in cases of bullying, harassment, personal safety or abuse, please contact SNVC president immediately at or see information at the bottom of the form on Volleyball Canada's how to report abuse protocol.
Please provide your compliments, complaints and/or feedback below: *
Do you wish to be contacted for follow up? *
Please provide your contact information below, including your name and a phone number or email address you can be contacted at.

Volleyball Canada is committed to a sport environment free from abuse that is safe for all participants.

Volleyball Canada has zero tolerance for any type of abuse. Individuals are required to report abuse or suspected abuse. If you are the victim of abuse, harassment, or discrimination, or you’ve witnessed such an incident within our sport, you are encouraged to contact the Abuse Free Sport Helpline by phone or text at 1-888-83SPORT (77678), or by email to, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week (8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST).

The helpline is free, anonymous and can be used by anyone wanting to report such incidents.

When the incidents recounted appear admissible, operators can assist you in filing a report through a confidential online platform, if desired.


1-888-837-7678 –

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