San Diego Archers - Membership Form
For New or Current San Diego Archers Club Members* 

YEARLY MEMBERSHIP is just $24.00 for the entire year. 
SDA YEARLY FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (two adults & all children under 18) is $36 

What does your club membership provide? 

  • Supports the maintenance of our all-volunteer ranges. 
  • Eligible for end of year recognition and Club Champions awards (non-members are not eligible for end-of-year awards). 
  • Over $150 free... 
    * $5 discounted admission to all SDA sponsored tournaments ($100+ value). 
    * Free club SDA sticker ($2 value). 
    * Free club safety glasses ($2 value). 
    * Free entry to our annual SDA Banquet ($50+ value). 
    * And don't forget the free smile that comes with getting your new membership badge and holder - priceless!

Paid membership is valid for the period of a calendar year, from January through December. 

Memberships paid on or after October 1st will be applied to the following year. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Gender (Check only one box) *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Membership Type *
For family membership, please enter names and DOB of each family member below (Joe Smith 1/1/2000, Sara Smith 2/15/1990, etc):
I Agree to the Below Responsibilities of Membership:
New Registration or Renewal? *
I will be paying by: *
Pay by Mail?  
Make check payable to "San Diego Archers" and mail to: Post Office Box 33918, San Diego, CA 92163, or pay at the next tournament registration table.

Signed (type your name below): *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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