YEARLY MEMBERSHIP is just $24.00 for the entire year.
SDA YEARLY FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (two adults & all children under 18) is $36
What does your club membership provide?
- Supports the maintenance of our all-volunteer ranges.
- Eligible for end of year recognition and Club Champions awards
(non-members are not eligible for end-of-year awards).
- Over $150 free...
* $5 discounted admission to all SDA sponsored tournaments ($100+ value).
* Free club SDA sticker ($2 value).
* Free club safety glasses ($2 value).
* Free entry to our annual SDA Banquet ($50+ value).
* And don't forget the free smile that comes with getting your new membership badge and holder - priceless!
Paid membership is valid for the period of a calendar year, from January through December.
Memberships paid on or after October 1st will be applied to the following year.