Lift Every Voice: Why African American Poetry Matters - Save the Date!
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Join us for Lift Every Voice: Why African American Poetry Matter, a nationwide celebration of the 250-year tradition of African American poetry. Henry Madden Library will be hosting two virtual LEV poetry programs in the Spring 2021 semester. The events will be led by award-winning local Fresno wrtiers, Venita Blackburn and Bryan Medina. Come for learning, healing, and joy through art. Free and open to the public. All are welcome!

Program 1: Writing workshop with Venita Blackburn
Saturday, January 23rd 10:00-11:30am

Program 2: Poetry slam with Bryan Medina
Thursday, January 28th 7:000-8:30pm

Learn more about the LEV celebration and African American poetry here:

If you require accommodations to participate in this virtual event, please email Ginny Barnes
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