Possible Actions for Safety January 2022
Cases of the new omicron variant are spiking in Chicago and around the country. It is imperative that we return from our winter break with a plan to ensure school communities’ and our own safety. Please answer the following very short survey to help guide the CTU’s response to CPS’s inadequate pandemic response.
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Has there been adequate testing at your school/workplace for students and staff? *
On a scale of 1 (not present at all) to 4 (very effectively implemented) how effective and responsive has your school/workplace been in implementing the following mitigation efforts?
1 Not Present
Very Effective 4
Contact tracing/case communication
Classroom quarantines
Flipping to remote if there's been an outbreak
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If COVID continues to dangerously accelerate or should staffing levels in our schools drop to unsafe levels, would you support a...
District-wide pause and temporary shift to remote learning
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What actions would you participate in to force CPS to improve its COVID safety measures? Check all that apply.
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