Okanogan Family Faire Vendors
Help us help you. This form will be used to make sure premium vendors have a premium experience at future Faires. If you're seeing this form, then that's you. Reminder to not share this form with anyone else, your code is only good for you. Thanks for your participation
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Name *
Code From Card You Were Presented At Faire
Business/Booth Name
Email Address
Not making this required because some people don't have email but if you want to have early access to tickets or any other perks from participating in this form, we'll need to be able to email you.
Phone Number
How Many Years Have You Attended Faire?
What Size Space Do You Need?
Number Of Vending Tickets You Need For Your Booth
Do You Attend Fall & Spring
Please Describe What You're Vending
Detail is good, thank you.
What Would Be Your Preferred Location?
If You Could Choose Your Spot, Where Would You Like To Be?
Have You Experienced Issues Getting Placed In Your Preferred Location?
If yes, give details. Thank you.
How Do You Pay For Your Vending Pass?
Check All That Apply. If Other, Please Give Details
Feedback *
This is your chance to tell us about your vending experience. What went right? What went wrong? What would you change if you could?Thanks for helping us steer the future direction of vending at Okanogan Family Faire.
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