APCG Online Colloquium: Janek Sunga (July 2nd, 10AM EST / 2PM GMT)
Please fill out your information below if you would like to receive instructions for participating in the APCG Online Colloquium featuring the work of Janek Sunga (Northern Illinois University) to be held on Tuesday, July 2nd at 10AM EST. 

Participants are expected to read the paper, "Barriers to Democratic Consolidation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Focusing on Ghana, Kenya, and Zambia" in advance of the colloquium. The paper will be emailed to you along with the Zoom session information. 

Paper Title: Barriers to Democratic Consolidation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Focusing on Ghana, Kenya, and Zambia
Abstract: This paper examines the role of party systems and vanguard nationalist parties as barriers to democratic consolidation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study examines three cases studies: Ghana, Kenya and Zambia. All three countries are third wave democracies that have failed to make the transition from electoral democracies to liberal democracies. The paper presents an explanation of the role of party systems and vanguard nationalist parties in either deepening democracy or acting as a barrier to democracy. Ghana’s democratic consolidation is stronger since it has always managed to maintain multipartyism built on programmatic parties. Democratic consolidation has proceeded a slower rate in both Kenya and Zambia because of the dominance of their vanguard nationalist parties even after multipartyism. Ghana was able to get rid of its vanguard party much earlier. Kenya and Zambia had difficulties getting rid of their vanguard parties. The paper uses a mixed methods approach. It consists of comparative historical analysis of three country cases studies using survey data, archival data, socio-biographical details, interviews, and fieldwork. A dataset is used to show the persistence of vanguard nationalist parties through several governments. 
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