Processwork Online Intern Application
Who We Are
Processwork Online is an online learning and networking group to connect practitioners and students across the world. We create opportunities for people to develop their skills and connect online through groups, events and trainings. Accessible to people in different schools, countries, time zones, familiarity with Processwork and economic situations, Processwork Online is a place to learn more about ourselves, our relationships and our world using psychology’s best tools for growth and change. Visit us at:

Processwork Online is seeking an administrative intern to support our Online Learning Platform.
We are seeking someone to help us grow our community, expand our learning opportunities and strengthen our online systems.

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Responsibilities Include
Manage Social Media Outlets: create content across multiple platforms, structure audience retention funnels and list subscriptions.

Integrate current trainings to Facebook, Youtube and Instagram live.Promote trainings via our email list serve and social media outlets.

Contact, communicate, build relationships and coordinate with other Process-Oriented training centers around the world.

Support List Building efforts for our year-end goals.
Do you feel qualified to take on these responsibilities?
Preferred Qualifications  
Familiarity with Mailchimp, Facebook, Youtube Live and Instagram.

Experience with online marketing and promotions.Comfort writing and speaking in English.

Basic Wordpress skills and additional language abilities a plus.
What is your previous experience in these qualification areas?
The internship is a work exchange position, 1-2 hours a week for 6 months.
In exchange, interns will receive 2 years of free attendance to all our paid online course offerings and access to our full library. With your help, we expect to add a significant number of courses, which you would have free access to.  

Do you feel comfortable with this form of compensation? Do you have a counter offer that works better for you skills and availability?
What excites you about this position and how you see yourself contributing to Processwork Online?
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