Add Color
Today honey bees, wild bees, monarch butterflies and other pollinators are struggling. The nectar and pollen in flowers are essential foods for them. A flowering lawn differs from a traditional lawn in having flowering plants as well as turf grasses. Benefits of a flowering lawn include: increased lawn resilience to environmental pressures, natural diversity that benefits bees and other pollinators and insects, and the beauty of the flowers themselves.

You can help pollinators in your community by adding color to your lawn and making it pollinator-friendly.  Show people how you're making a difference by posting this sign next to your flowering lawn, and help inspire others to think of their lawn a little bit differently.
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Be a part of the difference.
Please help us tell the story of how Minnesotans are making a difference for pollinators by filling out the following information.
What city will this sign live in? *
What county? *
What type of location will this sign be posted? *
If you chose other, please tell us where your sign will live.
Who will see your sign? Think of your neighbors, school kids, fellow gardeners, or the general public. *
When will you install this sign? *
Over the next year, please estimate how many people will see your sign. *
Please Provide the following shipping information.
One sign will be sent to each address. If you would like an additional sign, please fill this form out again.
Name (first and last) *
Mailing Address (Street) *
City, State and Zip Code *
Email *
Thank you!
Throughout the season, we may contact you to see how your garden grows. Your story helps build and maintain programs like this, and increases the impact we can all have on pollinator populations throughout the state.

If you have any questions, please contact the University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener Program at

This program is made possible through the University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener Program and Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. If you're interested in learning more about becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer, visit the webpage
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