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2023-24 Dove Bible Club Student Registration--
(After School Meetings)
Please fill out ALL information completely.
Section 1 (Required) is for Parent/Legal Guardian information.
Section 2 (Required) is Child Transportation & School Information
Section 3 (Required) Photo Consent and Covid-19 Wavier
Thank you!
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Parent First Name
Your answer
Parent Last Name
Your answer
Home Address
Your answer
Your answer
Your answer
Mobile Phone
Dove Bible Club will text reminders of Meeting Dates to this number.
Your answer
Do you have a home church?
Yes I have a home church.
***I do not have a home church. I am interested in information of local churches.
I do not need information
May we send you emails of the quarterly DBC Newsletter, as well as any event news?
We promise to never share your information and never to spam your inbox.
Here is how I can help Dove Bible Club!
Dove Bible Club is a non-profit organization that runs on the generous donations from people like you! ***We will contact you with further information*** Please check all that apply.
***I can donate TIME (meetings, office, events)***
***I can donate FINANCIALLY (gas cards, gift cards, money, etc)***
***I can donate ITEMS. (Snacks, Drinks, Candy, Audio/Video Equipment, Vehicles, etc)***
I can PRAY for Dove Bible Club, Its staff, volunteers, students, schoolsm and ALL parties involved.
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