Sponsors/Partners Form

Thank you for your interest in partnering with our organization. Please fill out the following questionnaire to help us understand your goals and how we can work together effectively.

Email *
1. Organization Name *
2. Address
3. Website
Contact Person
4. Name
5. Title *
6. Email
7. Phone Number *
About Your Organization
8. Mission Statement
9. Brief Description of Your Organization
10. Year Founded
11. Number of Employees/Volunteers
12. Key Programs and Services
Partnership Details
13. Why are you interested in partnering with our organization?
14. What specific goals do you hope to achieve through this partnership?
15. What resources or support can you offer to our organization?
16. What resources or support do you expect from our organization?
17. Have you partnered with other organizations in the past? If yes, please provide details.
Impact and Evaluation
18. How do you measure the success of your programs and initiatives?
19. What metrics will you use to evaluate the success of this partnership?
20. How do you plan to report on the progress and outcomes of the partnership?
21. Is there any other information you would like to share with us?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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