Customer Service Survey
Keys to Advancement, Inc.
12503 SE Mill Plain Blvd Suite 221
Vancouver, WA 98684
 (360) 885-1010

Dear Valued Employer,

The goal of Keys to Advancement, Inc. to continuously provide the highest quality of services possible.  Please take a few minutes to complete and return the following brief survey.  The information you provide will give us a better understanding of the quality of service we currently provide, and will also allow you an opportunity to recommend improvements.  As an employer your opinion is valuable and all responses will be kept confidential.  

Thank you for your assistance,
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The following questions will assist Keys to Advancement, Inc. in evaluating the quality of services you currently receive.
How many months have you been involved with the employment program at Keys to Advancement, Inc.?
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As an employer considering Supported Employment what information was important to you?
Your Comments
What where your concerns when considering hiring a person receiving Supported Employment services?
Please describe your overall experience with our agency.
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