Co-creating Together

Are you passionate about making a difference? AfroCom is a collaborative movement building a super-app platform for the global African community. We're seeking passionate individuals to join our team or volunteer their skills!

No matter your background, if you have a heart for helping others and a desire to see Africa flourish, we welcome you.

Fill out the form below to tell us about your skills and interests. Together, let's build something extraordinary!

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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Area of interest *
Status: Individual, Organization or Affiliation?
Area of Expertise: *
Skills & Experience: Briefly describe your relevant skills and experience.
Why AfroCom? In a few sentences, tell us why you're interested in joining AfroCom. (Optional)
Collaboration: Preferred mode of collaboration
Availability *
Online Presence: Website or social media (Optional)
Additional Information: Is there anything else you'd like to share? (Optional)
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