About the Workshop Series:
The instructional rounds protocol is a great way to expose new educators to the best practices of more experienced practitioners. Rounds consist of visiting classrooms (virtually) to observe teaching and learning, with the expectation of adapting and replicating observed strategies. Teachers work as a cohort to debrief their observations and to plan implementation of strategies in their own classrooms. This format creates a great opportunity for beginning teachers to strengthen instructional practice through a network of support and shared learning. The cohort is led by veteran educators who serve as the facilitators of rounds and guide debriefs, help with action planning, and act as ongoing supporters throughout the workshop series.
This learning experience will follow the format of instructional rounds. Rather than physically entering classrooms, beginning teachers will observe classrooms virtually, viewing prerecorded videos from exemplar teachers. This format opens up exciting opportunities to pause, rewind, and re-watch great teaching as it's happening (something we only wish we could do live)!
Workshop Focus:
Teachers will have the opportunity to work and grow within the following instructional areas:
- Using Engagement Strategies (student responses or instructional pacing)
- Implementing Rules and Procedures (establishing rules and procedures, physical layout of the classroom, or acknowledging adherence to rules and procedures)
NESC Facilitators: