HELLO! Thank you for wanting to lead sessions at RollerCon. Thank you in advance for all your great ideas!
We schedule from MARCH - mid-MAY each year. This form stays open, but we don't actually LOOK at it until February, so if you're submitting before then look for confirmation of receipt in March when we start scheduling. We try to finish before mid-May, so if you're submitting after that, it might be too late for this year.
YOU MUST BE IN VORC to get scheduled & compensated:
What happens next: we review your entries, and contact you if we have questions. We frequently edit your entries for clarity, typos, grammar and - sometimes we have to rewrite the people-facing parts entirely for a few of ya (though we prefer not to). Then we usually start scheduling in batches. We schedule directly into our calendar, and you will receive an email from our calendar with details.
*WE BOOK IN VEGAS TIME* but your g-calendar will probably adjust the entry to your home timezone. This gets weird for folks in faraway timezones! Check your schedule by searching for your name or the class title in our app, "rollercon" in app stores or email rollercon@gmail.com for a screenshot of your schedule.
Once scheduled, you will get more information (in a confirmation email) that includes timelines, contact info on site and lots lots more.
Thanks again for your interest in hosting a session at RollerCon! Your contributions are among the MOST popular events at RC and the convention would not be what it is without you. THANK YOU.