RollerCon Submit Training Class
HELLO! Thank you for wanting to lead sessions at RollerCon. Thank you in advance for all your great ideas!

We schedule from MARCH - mid-MAY each year. 
This form stays open, but we don't actually LOOK at it until February, so if you're submitting before then look for confirmation of receipt in March when we start scheduling. We try to finish before mid-May, so if you're submitting after that, it might be too late for this year. 

YOU MUST BE IN VORC to get scheduled & compensated:


What happens next: we review your entries, and contact you if we have questions. We frequently edit your entries for clarity, typos, grammar and - sometimes we have to rewrite the people-facing parts entirely for a few of ya (though we prefer not to). Then we usually start scheduling in batches. We schedule directly into our calendar, and you will receive an email from our calendar with details.

*WE BOOK IN VEGAS TIME* but your g-calendar will probably adjust the entry to your home timezone. This gets weird for folks in faraway timezones! Check your schedule by searching for your name or the class title in our app, "rollercon" in app stores or email for a screenshot of your schedule.

Once scheduled, you will get more information (in a confirmation email) that includes timelines, contact info on site and lots lots more.

Thanks again for your interest in hosting a session at RollerCon! Your contributions are among the MOST popular events at RC and the convention would not be what it is without you. THANK YOU.

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Coach Name *
or workshop / session leader...
Assistant Coach
You can update us at VCI later if you recruit someone to help at RollerCon, you don't have to know now!
Assistant Coach email address
You can update us at VCI later if you recruit someone to help at RollerCon, you don't have to know now!
Session Type *
Classroom Request
Level *
What skill level will this class be geared toward? Find definitions here:
Class Name *
We are likely to edit your entry. Creative names appreciated, but please make it descriptive - and brief.  We chop down the too-long ones. Your past year classes can be found here:
Class Description *
We are likely to edit your entry. Please give a short (ONE PARAGRAPH) description of your class for the calendar. Past year classes can be found here:
Are you a returning coach? *
Thursdays and in the morning every day are the most common schedule requests we get from our coaches, also the most popular class time for attendees. So we mostly book returning, very popular and 5-star coaches for one hour during those spots. For more info about our 5-star system (which we didn't have 22, but do in 23, & we use the ones from all past years for returning coaches), please check out
Max # of times you can teach the class *
*It is very unlikely we will book many classes more than once or twice
Duration *
*MOST* classes will be one hour, but if you request longer, we will do our best to accomodate in less busy time slots (afternoon / evening). But we cannot guarantee it.

WHY most classes are one hour: our MVP folks can easily manage rosters and letting people in and out when the classes start in one hour increments. Two teams of MVP staffers move from track to track every 15 minutes. When we have a class that is longer, that track gets out of sync. Managing 8 tracks gets really complicated when some get out of sync, making it so that more than two classes start at the same time. 

Two hour classes keep the sync, but then we run out of space earlier for all the awesome classes we'd like to schedule. 

So we'll definitely do our best to accomodate your preferences, but our feedback says that students love a focused topic in an hour, which works awesome for everyone!
Days you prefer to coach
Specific Request
If there is a specific time / day you would like to do this class, please list here. This is not a guarantee that you will get it! But if it's available, you will. Its super helpful to us to be very specific in this field, for example: "Thursday at 10am."
When you CANNOT coach
Your Games

Please list your sponsors (esp Riedell, S1, T8, 187, TSG, Pigeon's) if you want us to try to schedule around their events, and list any games you plan to attend. We may add you to the RC calendar event for events to make it easier to prevent double scheduling you. Feel free to email us with additional events as the schedule develops.
About You
Your pronouns
Real Last *
Your real last name from your ID, please.
Real First *
Your first name from your ID.
email *
Please double check that its accurate and there aren't weird spaces and shit in it. We copy and paste them in long lists. Thanks!
Cell *
Please list any languages you can use fluently while leading your sessions.  Feel free to skip this question if you speak English only.
Contact Info
If you are hosting a private lesson, do you want your contact info included on the calendar / app entry? You can also add contact info to your bio.
Your Bio *
Please make it ONE paragraph, keep it brief and interesting, and write in the third person.  Feel free to include sponsor names, business you own or work for, any contact info you want to include, and links for students to check out. Please avoid acronyms. Past year bios can be found here: 
Do you travel coach? *
Please answer yes if you want RollerCon attendees to know that you're willing to travel to coach privately.
IG handle
We'll follow you and if you tag us on relevant content, we may share it on our stories, too. 
Biz Name
Does your coaching service have a name, like "Left Turn Coaching" or "Camp Awesome?" Here's where to put it.
Coach Compensation
RollerCon compensates coaches using Zelle or paper checks (in the US) and bank transfers for international payments. We no longer use PayPal.

The information you give us below will be used to pay you, if you are scheduled and earn coach compensation. Please make sure it is complete and accurate. Thanks!
Coach Compensation
Clear selection
Zelle contact info (if you use it)
Mailing address *
Please make sure this is accurate and complete if you request payment by check.
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