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How to get magnets, bumper stickers, and water bottle stickers
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Thank you for your interest in getting magnets and stickers to remember Dominic while creating awareness about making safe choices while driving! Here is where you can find stickers and magnets. 

Wonderland Brewing Company - Inside the main door, on the silver refrigerator to the left, you will find a plastic container with all of Dominic's memorial items. Bar staff will help if you need help. Thanks to Wonderland for supporting us!

Country Estates Park - Look for Dominic's green memorial bench near the middle of the parking lot on the west side. We intend to replenish stock frequently, as the city allows. 

Broomfield Commons - On the north side of Yellow Pod, between the small playground and the gazebo, you will find Dominic's red memorial bench. We intend to replenish stock frequently, as the city allows. 

Finally, we keep stickers, magnets, and bracelets on our front porch. Come any time! Grab what you need.

If you are unable to obtain bracelets, magnets or stickers from the above locations, please complete this form.

Do you have a business where you would like to make these available? Please email

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Thank you for showing off Dominic and his legacy!
Please email if you have any questions. 
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