Request for Parent Portal Pin 
Greetings Parents andf Guardians of Cleveland Charter High School Students,
Please complete this Goog;le Form to request a Parent Portal PIN.

Parent Portal PINs can only be released to parents/guardians who are listed on the student's emergency card.

Please allow up to 72 hours for a response.

Thank You

Please contact Assistant Principal Tina Papazian if you have any questions:
(818) 885-2318
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Parent/Guardian's First Name (person completing this form)
Parent/Guardian's Last Name (person completing this form)
Parent/Guardian's Email (person completing this form)
Parent/Guardian's Phone Number (person completing this form)
Student's First Name
Student's Last Name
Student's Grade Level
Student's District ID: 

Student's Home Address
Certification Statement - I certify that I am the person listed above and that I am the parent/guardian of the student listed above. I understand that Cleveland Charter High School may contact me for additional information to confirm my or my student's information.  
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