Token Listing - - DOCSWAP
Add your Token to DOCSWAP DEX by following the provided instructions. If everything is correct, your Token will be added within 24 hours.

1) The Token must be on one of the Blockchains supported by the DEX, which you can check here:
2) Send 25 DOCSWAP BEP20 to the Wallet: 0x08988eCfD35b13222167CECeDeB8f3A3f47555F6
3) Add at least $1,000 in Liquidity to the pair you want; you can create it in the DEX.
4) Fill out the Form completely and submit it.
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Email *
Token Name *
Token Ticker *
Blockchain (BSC, ETH...) *
Contract Address *
Token Logo (link, best from Coinmarketcap or Coingecko) *
Payment Transaction Hash id *
Liquidity is added to DOCSWAP DEX? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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