A Scholars Pledge Advice Column☕☕
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All that have clicked have presumably read the Introduction article, in which case, I will omit an introduction in place of an outline. The outline takes form in 3 quarters; expectations, rules, and disclaimer  

This is an anonymous advice column in which I offer advice from personal experience on subject matters of various types. There are no expectations! Anything and everything is welcome as long as it can be addressed with philosophical outlooks and tackles mental health struggles to build a healthy and flourishing community.

Please refrain from sharing any private information as questions will be published in the exact form they are sent in (this is for the safety of the user). Initials or pseudonyms are preferred to real names of people or locations. Please be as detailed as possible to give the most accurate form of narrative to be examined. Thank you to all who have read and are willing to share their stories. Remember, once you share your story, someone else will be encouraged to share theirs.

*DISCLAIMER*I am not a professional and any advice I give will be from personal experience and wisdom. I do advise you to speak to a licensed professional or the law for matters in which it is out of my ability to aid.

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