2024-2025 Student Registration
St. Gabriel Catholic Parish School respects parents as primary educators of their children and provides opportunities in an atmosphere that reinforces the educational and formational priorities occurring within the home environment. Parents freely choose to share their parental authority and responsibility for the education and formation of their children with the parish/school community in a cooperative relationship. 

St. Gabriel Catholic Parish School respects the dignity of the child. Neither race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, or disability shall prevent a child from being accepted in the Catholic school or religious education programs. We maintain an open admission policy regardless of religious affiliation or ethnic background.  

All admissions of new students will follow Archdiocesan Policy 5110 and 5111 with regard to a one-year probation period. "The final decision for admission, instruction, and retention of any student rests with the principal.  Administrators will give careful consideration to the admission of students with special needs, but are not required to admit, re-enroll, or continue the enrollment of students whose needs cannot be met with reasonable accommodations." (Archdiocese Policy 6164.3)

Kindergarten-Junior Kindergarten (4K) is open to students four years of age by September 1.  Kindergarten (5K) is open to students of five years of age by September 1.

Tuition Reducing Programs:
  • Early Bird Registration: Register by March 31 to get $250 off per student ($1,000 Maximum)
  • Refer a family (who enrolls) and receive $500 off the total tuition
  • Use $crip and receive 50% profit towards tuition - credits given monthly
  • Commit one day a week for the ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR as a playground/lunch aide and receive $500 off per "committed day" (Sign-up is in August for the upcoming school year and is FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.  The tuition credit is given in May.  Frequent absences may result in the credit being adjusted accordingly).
  • Multi Child Family Discount - 2 students: $500 discount, 3 students: $1,500 discount, 4 students: $2500 discount
Please use the following link to pay the $200 registration fee (per family).  This fee is deducted from your tuition bill.  Registration is not complete until the fee has been paid.  Since supplies are ordered based upon our early registration numbers, this fee is non-refundable.
Email *
Family Information
The following information you are providing pertains to each student in your family that you are enrolling at St. Gabriel Parish School for the 2024-2025 school year.  If additional family information is necessary, please contact the school office at (262)628-1711.
Family Last Name *
If you are a new family did a current school family refer you to St. Gabriel?
Clear selection
If yes, Which family can we thank for the referral?
If you are a new family, which school did your student(s) previously attend?
Contact Emails:  Please provide the email addresses that you would like us to send newsletters, notes, reminders, and updates to.  Please indicate Father, Mother etc. *
Names of children in the family.  Begin with the oldest ex. Jenny (10), Julie (8) etc. *
Student(s) Religion *
Current Parish *
Name of the public school district (K-8) where your student(s) reside. *
Does your student live with (mark only one): *
Father's/Guardian's Name *
Father's/Guardian's Address (Please include street, city, and zip code) *
Father's/Guardian's Occupation *
Father's/Guardian's Employer *
Father's/Guardian's phone numbers for emergency contact.  Please indicate home, cell, work, etc. (xxx-xxx-xxxx C, xxx-xxx-xxxx W). *
Father's/Guardian's Religion *
Mother's/Guardian's Name *
Mother's/Guardian's Maiden Name (if married) *
Mother's/Guardian's Address (Please include Street, City, and Zip Code) or same as above.
Mother's/Guardian's Occupation *
Mother's/Guardian's Employer *
Mother's/Guardian's phone numbers for emergency contact.  Please indicate home, cell, work, etc. (xxx-xxx-xxxx C, xxx-xxx-xxxx W).
Mother's/Guardian's Religion
In the case of an emergency, if a parent/guardian cannot be reached, who should we contact?  Please include name, number, and relationship to the student(s).
(John Smith, xxx-xxx-xxxx, Grandfather)
Family Physician: Name and Phone Number *
If your student(s) is eligible, will he/she need bus transportation? *
I give St. Gabriel permission to include the following information in the school directory. *
I hereby consent to the collection and use of my child/children's personal images by photography or video recording.  I acknowledge these may be used now or in the future on the St. Gabriel Parish School website, social media platforms, newsletters and publications as well as for distribution to members of St. Gabriel Parish School.
I have read the Student/Parent Handbook: Family/Student Handbook
The following section asks for information for each individual student in your family.  Please fill out a student information section for each student you are enrolling.
Student 1
Student's Last Name
Student's First and Middle Name *
Student's Gender *
Student's Birthday *
Student's Place of Birth (City, State) *
Is your student baptized? *
If yes, where were they baptized (Church, City, State)? *
Student's Grade *
Race (Please Mark only 1) *
Student Health Concerns:  Please list any concerns that staff needs to be aware of to assist your child in their learning. (ex. Needs glasses, uses hearing aids, has allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, nervous disorders, physical disability, ADHD, ADD, and/or needs EpiPen.) If none, please type "N/A".               *
Has your child ever been recommended for a special education program? *
If yes, please indicate which program. *
Student 2
Student's Last Name
Student's First and Middle Name
Student's Gender
Clear selection
Student's Birthday
Student's Place of Birth (City, State)
Is your student baptized?
Clear selection
If yes, where were they baptized (Church, City, State)?
Student's Grade
Clear selection
Race (Please Mark only 1)
Student Health Concerns:  Please list any concerns that staff needs to be aware of to assist your child in their learning. (ex. Needs glasses, uses hearing aids, has allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, nervous disorders, physical disability, ADHD, ADD, and/or needs EpiPen.) If none, please type "N/A".              
Has your child ever been recommended for a special education program?
Clear selection
If yes, please indicate which program.
Student 3
Student's Last Name
Student's First and Middle Name
Student's Gender
Clear selection
Student's Birthday
Student's Place of Birth (City, State)
Is your student baptized?
Clear selection
If yes, where were they baptized (Church, City, State)?
Student's Grade
Clear selection
Race (Please Mark only 1)
Student Health Concerns:  Please list any concerns that staff needs to be aware of to assist your child in their learning. (ex. Needs glasses, uses hearing aids, has allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, nervous disorders, physical disability, ADHD, ADD, and/or needs EpiPen.) If none, please type "N/A".              
Has your child ever been recommended for a special education program?
Clear selection
If yes, please indicate which program.
Student 4
Student's Last Name
Student's First and Middle Name
Student's Gender
Clear selection
Student's Birthday
Student's Place of Birth (City, State)
Is your student baptized?
Clear selection
If yes, where were they baptized (Church, City, State)?
Student's Grade
Clear selection
Race (Please Mark only 1)
Student Health Concerns:  Please list any concerns that staff needs to be aware of to assist your child in their learning. (ex. Needs glasses, uses hearing aids, has allergies, asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, nervous disorders, physical disability, ADHD, ADD, and/or needs EpiPen.) If none, please type "N/A".              
Has your child ever been recommended for a special education program?
Clear selection
If yes, please indicate which program.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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