Invitation to Speak | Mai-kee Tsang
Hey my lovely, thanks so much for wanting to invite me to speak with you, your clients & community!

Whether it's for your:
  • LIVE Event or Conference
  • In-Person Retreat
  • Virtual Summit
  • Membership/Program/Mastermind
  • Podcast
I'd love to hear all the details from you via this short form below (mostly multiple choice!):
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Email *
What is your name my lovely?  *

Which topic would you like me to speak about?


If You Picked "Other" on the Previous Question - Please Elaborate Below:

Where would you like me to speak to your clients & community?
How would you like me to speak with your folks?

If You Picked "Other" on the Previous Question - Please Elaborate Below:

How much of an honourarium (USD) have you allocated for this guest speaking? 
Let's talk timelines! When would you like this guest speaking to go ahead? *
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?

(Feel free to share any further details, and/or drop any relevant links where I can learn more)
Aaaaand lastly, I'd love to know how did you hear about me? *
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