Welcome babe! I'm Becca. This is a space for you to apply to work with me through my 8-week shadow work program: Unmasked.

This experience is for the woman who is ready to be cracked wide open and step into her power. If you're done dabbling in all of the light and love mindset courses that feel safe and you’re ready to dive deep with me and do the work that will actually change your life, you're in the right place. 

It's so important to me that we connect on a coaching-client level and you feel safe in this experience. Please be open and honest when answering these questions and share as much detail as you can about yourself so I can best serve you moving forward.
Full name: *
Date of Birth: *
Email: *
Instagram handle:  *
Why do you feel called to do shadow work?
Do you feel like you have a solid foundation when it comes to mindset and personal development work but you're ready for something deeper?
What are you currently struggling with in your life?
Have you ever hired someone to help you reach your goals?
Why do you feel called to work with Becca? What made you apply?
This program requires you to be fully committed and willing to take radical responsibility in changing your life through showing up for yourself and doing the work. How committed are you to show up for yourself and investing in your future?
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