Soft Hugs for Mommy - Book Launch
I'm so excited that you are interested in helping me launch "Soft Hugs for Mommy" this May.

This little book holds a special place in my heart because, in part, it is my family's story of learning to manage fibromyalgia as a family. My prayer is that it will help many other families as they find their way to a new normal that includes this invisible disease.

I understand that book launches traditionally demand a lot of commitment, time, and energy, which may not always be feasible for most of us, so I've made it as simple as possible.

Your support, in any form, will be incredibly appreciated.

After you complete this form, I'll personally get in touch with you about the launch and send you a free ebook as a token of my gratitude.

Thank you for supporting 'Soft Hugs for Mommy'. My hope is that it will provide language, comfort, and help to those experiencing chronic pain (and to their families.)

I'm eagerly looking forward to hearing from you.

Sending You Soft Hugs;

Mandy D. Farmer

As an indie author without the backing of traditional publishing big bucks, I rely on the kindness of hearts like yours and the power of word of mouth!

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