Membership Application "Career Services Network Switzerland" (Association)
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Email *
Title *
Name(s) *
First Name(s) *
Mail Address *
University / Institution *
Department / Precise Organization Name
Phone Number
I agree that the CSNCH is using my data for internal communication and for the trombinoscope.  *
Explanation about the Trombinoscope
The CSNCH has a internal list of members with name, email and career center and a picture to connect the members of the association. After the registration you will be asked to contribute the respective information. Thank you 
Billing address
What are your expectations from the Career Services Network Switzerland?
What are your areas of interests (several answers possible)?
Please confirm your application for membership in the CSNCH Association (annual membership fee CHF 50.- / as of 2023). *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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