Early Release Signed Copy of Awakening the Dark Flame
Below is the order form to purchase signed paperback or Hardcover copies of Awakening the Dark Flame, along with book swag. 
Signed copies automatically come with one bookmark and one sticker.

Please Read carefully

*All US signed books will be sent via USPS.

*UK and CANADA- $30 will be included in the price of the book to cover the cost of shipping 

*International orders outside of UK and CANADA are not available at this time due to shipping costs*

*One book per order. If you'd like to order multiple books, place a new order for each one

*Prices below include shipping for US, CANADA, and UK orders

* Shipping should only take about 4-6 weeks. (I will personally contact you once your items have been shipped.)

*Initial supplies are limited, but I can always get more, so order while they're in stock!*
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