PhxTMD Contra Dance
Our regular dances are scheduled for
  • the 2nd Saturday of each month is usually at Mesa Community College in the Heap Gym
  • the 4th Friday of each month is usually at the Irish Cultural Center in Phoenix
We always have a live band and an experienced caller.  New dancers are always welcome and anyone age 25 or under gets in for half price!

Time: 6:30 PM lesson; 7:00-10:00 Dancing (with one 15 minute break for yummy snacks)
Questions or concerns? Contact us at

Registration fee: $10 per participant ($5 for those 25 or younger)
Water and snacks will be provided but bringing your own water bottle is encouraged

*By filling out this pre-registration you are helping us ease the lines at the admissions table

**This optional Pre-Registration ends at noon the day of the dance - if you missed out on pre-registration you are still welcome to attend :D

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Email *
Name *
This registration is for...AN ALTERNATE LOCATION
How did you hear about this dance?
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What types of emails would you like to receive from us?  Check all that apply.
Are you an experienced dancer willing to help teach new dancers?
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Are you willing to help out at our welcome table?
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How many people are covered in this registration?
Please provide names and email addresses for any additional attendees covered in this registration. 

We are requesting this information in case we have any Covid-related information to send out. If you do not provide email addresses you must be ready to relay any pertinent information to your guests.

If the registration is for you only, please write "N/A".
Payment: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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