DAC-2018 Birds-of-a-Feather: Open-Source Academic EDA Software
The purpose of this form is to understand your interest in a Wednesday evening (June 27, 7:00pm - 8:30pm -- ROOM 3005) discussion of open-source academic EDA software.  Meeting description: "This meeting is for anyone interested in a robust ecosystem of free, open-source academic EDA tools. Goals for such an ecosystem, along with current landscape, key gaps, pending contributions, and potential strategy/roadmap for the worldwide academic/CAD community are topics for discussion. Potential contributors, developers, advisors, users … Everyone is WELCOME !"
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Do you plan to attend this Birds-of-a-Feather meeting?
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What is your interest in open-source academic EDA software?
If you'd like to announce or present anything at the meeting, please describe briefly ...
What would you most like to see discussed at the meeting?
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