Quiz 2. Evolution
Based on various theories of origin of life...
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1 point
Which statement is wrong with regard to special creation theory *
1 point
Early Greek thinkers supported which of the following theory *
1 point
Which scientist by careful experimentation demonstrated that life comes only from pre-existing life *
1 point
Theory of spontaneous generation was finally disapproved by ..... *
1 point
Match both column *
4 points
he took Killed yeast in his exeriment
S L Miller
Louis Pasteur
Find incorrect statement *
1 point
Find the incorrect statement *
1 point
Which of the following gas was not used by S L MIller.....  *
1 point
Which scientist established the chemical theory of evolution as proposed by Oparin and Haldane  *
1 point
Which was not present in atmosphere at the time of origin of life ? *
1 point
For the stability of organic compound, Oparin opined that probably..... *
1 point
In present time life origin is no possible from inorganic compound due to... *
1 point
The mechanism of non cellular aggregates of giant macromolecules to cell with membranous envelop is   *
1 point
The experiment that simulated conditions thought to be present on the early earth....
1 point
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