Aug 1st Santa Clara "No Prop 16" Car Rally
【Date】Aug 1st 11AM
【Contact】408-623-2623 (Text only)
【More information】

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Can you be the volunteer on Sat? Which type of work do you prefer? Multiple options.(Optional)
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Please help us promote by sharing our poster on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ect. Especially share on NEXTDOOR to let more people know about the harmful and divisive Prop 16. We are all equal. Stop discrimination. Californians for equal rights, no more no less! More information on
By click the Submit button below, I release from liability and waive my right to sue the event organizer from any and all claims, including claims of negligence, resulting in any physical injury, illness (including death) or economic loss I may suffer or which may result from my participation in this Activity, travel to and from the Activity, or any events incidental to this Activity.
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