Make-up Class Scheduler 
When scheduling a make-up class, if possible, please give more than one option in case the class that you would like already had too many in it for that week. You can either give multiple times in the same week, or give options of other weeks. Jody will be in touch soon to confirm. Class times for make ups are:
Monday: 10 AM
Tuesday:  9 AM, 10 AM, 11 AM
Wednesday: 9 AM, 10 AM, 3:30 PM, 4:30 PM   
Thursday: 9 AM and 10 AM
Saturday: 10 AM and 11 AM

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Child's Name *
Your email address  *
Class missed or planned to miss *
First choice for a make-up class time:  *
Second choice for a make-up class time:  *
(Optional) Third choice for a make-up class time: 
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