Transportation/Trip Request
Please complete and submit this form at least two weeks in advance of your request.
Upon submission, your form will automatically be emailed to your supervisor for approval, and then on to Marion School District Transportation Coordinator, Neil Papendorf.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your Supervisor's Email Address *
Person/Department Responsible for the Trip *
Destination with address *
Type of Activity *
Trip Date *
Grade Level *
Number of Students *
Number of Adults *
Place of Departure *
Departure Date & Time *
Very Important: MUST be before the return time!!
Return Date & Time *
Very Important: MUST be after the departure time!!
If driving, date the gas card would be picked up
Pick up gas card from your primary building’s office; return the gas card and receipt to the same office promptly upon returning to the district.  You no longer need a key for the bus garage. Your employee badge will grant you access to the central access door. The light switches are by the central access door and the west access door.
Type of Vehicle *
How does the trip relate to the class activity? Explain pre- and post- activities planned to make use of the information gained from the trip. *
List any students with known health concerns
List and explain any special arrangements that are necessary, including student name, concern and provision.
Do you need extra transportation for equipment? *
Are there any students needing medication? *
List the name and medical instructions for any students requiring medication or medical care.
Are there any adults able to administer first aid or emergency care? *
List emergency help available at destination *
Nearest Hospital/Emergency Medical Services *
Notes/Special Considerations
By typing my name below and submitting this form this form, I agree to:
**Follow all state and federal driving laws when using a school vehicle checked out to me,
**Drive the school vehicle with care & caution,
**Fill the van with gas if the trip exceeds 15 miles,
**Remove any garbage and personal items left in the van by students or myself.
Electronic Signature *
Signature Date *
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