Drop-In Center Registration Form
The Union County Drop-In Centers are open to ALL Union County, NJ, residents ages 10-18/grades 6-12.  Simply complete the form below for registration and attend workshops at any of the four sites in Rahway, Plainfield, Roselle, and Hillside.  Sites operate from 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm, one day a week.  Sites are open from May 20 - December 31, 2024

Los Centros de Encuentro de Union County están abiertos para TODOS los residentes de Union County, NJ, de edades entre 10 y 18 años/grados 6 a 12. Simplemente complete el formulario a continuación para registrarse y asistir a talleres en cualquiera de los cuatro sitios en Rahway, Plainfield, Roselle y Hillside. Los sitios operan de 3:30 pm a 6:30 pm, un día a la semana. Los sitios están abiertos desde el 20 de mayo hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2024.

Sant Drop-In Union County yo ouvè pou TOUT rezidan Union County, NJ, ki gen laj 10-18 ane/oswa klas 6-12. Senpleman ranpli fòmilè ki anba la a pou enskripsyon epi patisipe nan atelye yo nan nenpòt nan kat sit yo nan Rahway, Plainfield, Roselle, ak Hillside. Sit yo opere de 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm, yon jou nan semèn. Sit yo ouvè soti 20 Me rive 31 Desanm 2024.

Below are site locations:
- Roselle Site (Mondays & 2nd Fridays of the month):   Anthony Amalfe Community Center, 1268 Shaffer Avenue, Roselle, NJ
- Hillside Site (Tuesdays & 3rd Fridays of the month):    Hillside Recreational Center,  274 Hillside Avenue, Hillside, NJ
** [Eff. 11/1/2024 Temporarily meeting at Hillside Public Library, 1409 Liberty Ave, Hillside, NJ 07205] **
- Rahway Site (Wednesdays & 1st Fridays of the month):   Rahway Recreational Center, 3 City Hall Plaza, Rahway, NJ
- Plainfield Site (Thursdays & 4th Fridays of the month):  Plainfield Performing Arts Center, 724 Park Avenue, Plainfield NJ

Visit https://www.boxwoodnj.org/cdic/ for workshops at each site.   

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